I've spent the last couple days at Mom's house. We've been finding some fun things for FOUND in the shops around the area where I grew up. Meanwhile, back at the shop, our displays have decorator bunnies and nests and eggs mixed in with the vintage and handmade finds.
Where I "came from" and what happens at FOUND seem to be intertwined. In my head at this moment, I can hear Mom playing the organ "Here comes Peter Cottontail..." and kid voices singing, "hoppin' down the bunny trail...hippity...hoppity...Easter's on it's way".
Lots of songs of my childhood find their way through the grey matter of my brain. As I write, I can picture me with my sisters in our straight with a roll of curl at the bottom hairdos and our Easter Sunday hats with the stretchy elastic strings to hold them on... "in your Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it..", we felt like "...the grandest lady in the Easter parade". on the avenue...5th Avenue...the photographers will snap us..... and a la, de da, de da, de da... sometimes I forget all the words.
My dad was a la dee da kind of singer and sometime he wore a yellow jacket. When I was looking through catalogs to order some bunnies for FOUND, I was immediatelydrawn to this bunny in the yellow jacket. The company names their bunnies. I looked at the reference sheet to order him. This one was named Harold. My dad's name was Harold! He wore a yellow jacket. And Mom signs all her cards to us with bunnies... I smile with a tear in my eye as I write this, remembering what a nice, fun guy dad was. Fortunate that my childhood was filled with happy times and a dad who sang even though he didn't know the words (and kinda off key).
If you have songs of the past in your head, post a comment below. I'll randomly select one name to win the bunny with the musical cone pictured above. (Comments of just a couple words are fine... if you can't see the comment section, click on the little blue "comments" tab under my name below. I select a winner at random on Tuesday 3/30)
Here's to lookin' over a four leaf clover...