Thanks Neika for sending this photo with Sally Jean! Oh, it was a fun week - women came from 8 different states (and Canada) to attend the workshops and Trunk Show. I know a few of you had cameras - I'd love to post more pictures here. Just email them to me at FOUND. A big heartfelt thank you to all who attended, and shopped at FOUND, and shared your stories. We hope to do this again next July!
I had a chance to take the Flower Power class. No claims to be an artist or to have any jewelry making experience, but I listened carefully and at the end of the day, this is what I took back to the shop:
I used a page from a vintage Dick & Jane workbook (before you gasp at the thought of my cutting it up, please know that it was in pretty bad condition to start with). The little girl is Jane and the striped petals are her dress and umbrella. The daisy was on another page of the workbook. I found the word "found" in the word list in back. Anyway. I think it's a pretty cool first attempt. My solder is kinda lumpy, but Sally Jean has me believing that if I just keep practicing, mine will be as smooth as hers! Then I'll try to do some of those dotty things. Since most of the other students were actually artists, I saw some absolutely beautiful work that week. If any of you have photos of your project from class, we'd love to have you share them.
SOLDERING SUPPLIES: I've just restocked all the soldering supplies and listed them on the website. We also have more of the 3/16" tips for the Weller 100. Now you don't have to run all over to find what you need to make your own "pretty little things".